We have now released 2 Codes of Conduct for the marking of gear in the NIFCA district; one is for the advice of commercial fishers and the other for that of recreationals. Please see both codes below for your information and guidance when using gear in the district. 

Commercial Marking of Gear Code of Conduct

Recreational Marking of Gear Code of Conduct


Limits of NIFCA District

NIFCA Boundary

NIFCA’s 2018-2019 Annual Plan is now complete and can be viewed HERE. We hope you find it to be an interesting read. 

Limits of NIFCA District

NIFCA Boundary

Please see the link to our latest press release regarding Fisheries Management by NIFCA in the Aln Estuary and Coquet to St Mary’s MCZ HERE

Limits of NIFCA District

NIFCA Boundary