A Message From Mike Hardy, NIFCA CEO

During this difficult and unprecedented challenge which everyone faces during the currency of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, NIFCA has been working on continuing to provide as full as possible service to maintain the delivery of our remit to manage a sustainable marine environment and inshore fisheries.

Whilst making the good health and welfare of our officers and staff the paramount consideration, planning has been undertaken to ensure our continued functionality in the district, both at shore and at sea, including continuing to work with our partner agencies and backed up by an adaptive and effective administration system.

Increased working from home in the present situation is inevitable and being undertaken by NIFCA personnel, although we will continue to cover telephone calls which will be answered and responded to as closely as possible to the norm. Email traffic will also continue, as we aim to maintain the high standards of communication which are so important to ourselves and stakeholders and please look out for news on our website and in other social media.

Although our office regrettably has to be closed to visitors for the foreseeable future, NIFCA remains “open for business” and please don’t hesitate to contact us by telephone or email if you wish to discuss anything with us.

Finally, and most importantly, best wishes to everyone reading this message from myself and all at NIFCA.

Mike Hardy